Last Thursday, March 7, we continued with the 2019 environmental awareness campaign at the Aboño factory, accompanied by 61 children from the Candas “Poeta Antón” and “San Félix” public schools, accompanied by 4 teachers.
A total of 90 varied fruit trees were planted, with a preponderance of apple trees (65 units), but also peach trees (5), pear trees (10), apricots (2), cherry trees (2) and plum trees (6).
The Mayor of Carreño, Ms. Amelia Fernández López, and the Councilor for Works, Mr. Onésimo Velasco Fernández attended this day, in which time was again accompanying.
The business representation was headed by Mr. José Luis Sáenz de Santa María Prieto, Director of the Institutional Relations Department of “Corporación Masaveu”, Mr. Iván Menéndez, Technical Director of “Masaveu Industria” and Mr. Carlos Serrano Peláez, Director of the factory of “Cementos Tudela Veguin, SA”, in Aboño.