A responsible attitude towards society
Committed to our natural environment
The inclusion of the environmental variable in the usual management of the company, in order to make industrial production compatible with the care for the environment, has always been a constant aim in the business activities of Cementos Tudela Veguín.
No technical or financial means have been spared in achieving this objective, as proven by the important investments made in the past few years on environmental assets aimed at providing the installations with all the preventive, corrective and control measures making it possible to reduce the impact the industrial activities carried out by Cementos Tudela Veguín may have on its surroundings.
Always aware that its activities involve an unavoidable environmental impact and in order to minimise this, Cementos Tudela Veguín has chosen to implement an Environmental Management System based on Standard ISO 14001:2004 in its installations, to integrate environmental protection in the performance of its general management.
For this reason, Cementos Tudela Veguín is committed to:
As a company, we understand our enormous responsibility towards our employees, the towns and
cities where we operate, the environment and society in general. Therefore, at Cementos Tudela Veguín we seek the best practices regarding management and quality to guarantee the correct balance between our activities and the surrounding environment.
Concern for the conservation and sanitation of society’s forest heritage is reflected in the actions that have been carried out in the forest that surrounds the quarries of the Masaveu Industria factories, in which intense sanitation, repopulation and silvicultural improvements.
This minimises the environmental impact and favours an optimisation in the use of natural resources, reducing their utilisation as far as possible. This involvement allows us to maintain our full commitment to our natural environment.
For a few years now and in collaboration with the schools nearby, Cementos Tudela Veguín has been organising sessions in which the kids plant an autochthonous with their names.
Both energy and material valuation within the waste hierarchy set by the current legislation are the main paths for reducing raw material consumption, in this way minimising the environmental impact of the activities and collaborating in the mitigation of the climate change.
Cementos Tudela Veguín is a leader in the use of alternative raw materials to manufacture its cement, making it the company with the lowest energy consumption and CO2 emissions per product unit in the sector.
The substitution of traditional fossil fuels with alternative fuels natural encourages raw material savings and reduces greenhouse effect CO2 emissions.
The manufacture of Portland cement and clinker, as the main activities of the industrial branch of Corporación Masaveu, are the processes with the greatest impact on the environment, therefore being the ones on which the greatest investment has been made to minimise their effects.
The technological renewal performed in the past decade has allowed Cementos Tudela Veguín to obtain the lowest CO2 emissions per final product unit in the sector, positioning itself remarkably well in some of the key aspects to fight against the climate change with regard to the objectives set at a worldwide level.
In the past decade, the investment for the implementation of more efficient production processes and, therefore, with a lower environmental impact, and that for the implementation of measures minimising the unavoidable impacts deriving from our activities, amounts to over €138 M, quantifying our environmental commitment in a objective manner.
The implementation and certification of the Energy Management System under the UNE-EN:ISO 50001 standard in all the production facilities of Cementos Tudela Veguín S.A. demonstrates that energy consumption management is carried out in an effective and sustainable manner in all phases of the manufacturing process, following the demanding requirements established by this standard.
These systems set a framework for the continuous improvement of energy management in facilities, designing strategies that allow establishing energy objectives and evaluating their compliance.
The energy management systems implemented under this standard promote the achievement of different objectives, including:
This certification allows us as a company to guarantee our customers a quality product that complies with the best practices in its production process.
In Tudela Veguín we maintain a permanent interest in improving our quality system and finding possible improvements that return to our customers an added value. Convinced that this is the best way to grow responsibly, we have achieved ISO 9001 certification in our factories in Tudela Veguín, Aboño, Narón and La Robla.
Likewise, this seal of quality represents the philosophy and concern of our entire human team with a work dynamic that favors best practices and the constant identification of points of improvement.
Minimize the environmental impact and favor the optimization of natural resources. This certification allows us to maintain an absolute commitment to our natural environment.
The implementation of an Environmental Management System allows us to optimize natural resources, waste, the environmental impact that we could generate and all those natural risks linked to our activity.
In the same way, Tudela Veguín increases its involvement by carrying out numerous activities in its factories that favor the recovery of quarries, the reforestation of forests and the promotion of good practices in all areas of its organization.